Today was a full day of filming at the University of Michigan CS Mott Children’s Hospital.
It started off with interviews with Dr. Gregory Yanik, Dr. Rajen Mody and Lina Clark, R.N. – all discussing the joys and complexities of helping children in their cancer journey in the oncology department. Dr. Yanik and Dr. Mody combined have more than almost 60 years of experience with children’s oncology. They shared insightful thoughts on how far treatment has come for children with a wide variety of cancers.
The R.N. we worked with, Lina, who clearly (as with all nurses on any pediatric oncology ward) is the unsung hero for these kids, as she continually goes above and beyond – so often not only becoming a close friend and almost a family member, but also becoming an advocate for their care. It became emotional at times as she discussed why she personally finds it so gratifying working with children and the amazing things these kids who are fighting cancer can teach us.
We also continued filming with Brittany Naylor, who is now spending a week at CS Motts Children’s Hospital for her continued struggles with Neuroblastoma. Wish Upon a Teen’s, a 501(c)3 organization dedicated to providing resources, time and opportunities to teenagers with life-limiting medical conditions, Executive Director Nancy Sovran came in and dressed Brittany’s room in a style that is more resembling a luxury hotel than a sterile hospital room setting. It was uplifting to witness what this gesture of Wish Upon a Teen did for Brittany.
To learn more about Wish Upon a Teen, please visit: